STATUTORY WARNING: Contains profanity and ethical hedonism
It’s like those days, when u feel something pathetic is in the air. It’s like those days, when u feel nothing is working out the way you want. You’re addicted to it, its consuming you even though you’re breathing the air in. Consciously, you know you’re killing yourself softly, but its way out of your control. It’s your brand of heroin, yours and yours only.
Some fight over, what to call it by. Some ponder over its necessity in one's life. There's no consensus though. Lives have been lost over it. I will lose mine, you will lose yours too. There are those, who go through it so many a time, always ending up beaten, lost and hurt.
Aware of it all, why is it that we still crave for it, deep inside (if not openly), in the darkest places of our heart, for that 1 drop of, poison, drug, passion, madness?
There are times, when the human mind is certain, about what it wants and what’s good for it. I say at times, because more often than not, the decisions we make, regardless of right or wrong, are made on a sub conscious level. I think a lot, too much actually. I didn’t think twice this time, I knew what I wanted, and I fought for it. There were signs all around me. Signs which worked against me. Paulo Coelho, you were wrong. The world wasn’t helping me to attain what I wanted. At every step, every move of mine, I was thrashed down. My strengths amazed me, such madness, such will power, I kept moving forward. These are times when u need your friends the most. Fuck, they couldn’t reach me. Some who could, said it’s a lost battle, said I’ll be burned down. Hell, they didn’t know shit! Fuck them!!
to be contd...
Judgments would be made, over the words written above. Mis-interpretations galore... I open up the space to hear everyone out... for it is you to whom I look up for guidance... For I have to keep my head steady, before I’m consumed in this labyrinth to eternal bliss...
P.S: Telling any of your friend to fuck off is uncool...l am sorry.